How To Have a Stress-free Family Photo Shoot With a Toddler or Infant


Have you ever left a family photoshoot feeling defeated, like you didn’t get any good pictures because your toddler or infant wasn’t cooperating? (Or maybe this is your nightmare scenario)


I’ve seen that look on parent’s faces at the end of their sessions before… Heck, I’ve even been that momma who feels like we got all dressed up to waste an hour of a photographer’s time because my son wasn’t on his A-game. I’m going to share what I’ve learned from being a momma in front of the camera and behind it, so you can leave your session feeling confident that we got some really great photos no matter what happened with your kiddos.

Let’s talk about the infant/baby experience.

We had our first family portraits taken when Kai was only 6 months old and more often than not, he was not a happy camper. We were at the tail end of colic and I was hoping and praying that he’d stay chill long enough to snap at least a few nice photos during our hour-long session.

Here’s the deal… he wasn’t perfect the whole time. Plus, we had to take a few breaks so I could nurse him, burp him and change his diaper. I was worried that I’d wasted our session and ended up with hardly any photos, let alone any good ones. I was wrong.

What I learned from that experience is that an hour is plenty of time to work through those messy moments with kiddos while still getting plenty of great photos!

As a photographer, when shooting a session that includes an infant, if they’re off on the sidelines for feeding or calming fussiness, I use that time to take photos of the other kiddos alone or with dad. Another option is taking photos of momma nursing/feeding, which is such a great way to celebrate that phase of motherhood! It’s a win-win.

Now, let’s talk about toddlers at photoshoots.

When we did our second family portrait session, Kai had just turned one. He was considerably happier than he was at the first session, but what one year old is going to follow direction and look at the camera, all smiles? NONE! My child was no exception.

I learned that sometimes photo shoots are overwhelming for kiddos. I mean, they’re looking at the photographer like ‘who is this stranger 3 feet away from my face with a big ole camera pointing at me?’ We gotta give these brave little ones some credit, some breaks, and some space!

Here’s what else I decided to do as a photographer so your Family Sessions are less stressful and more fun for infants, toddlers and the whole family!

Firstly, I decided to specialize in outdoor lifestyle photoshoots so most of my Family Sessions are outside. Kids are natural little explorers… SO WE LET THEM EXPLORE and interact naturally with what’s going on around them. This autonomy keeps them happy and I get to follow them and their curiosity with my camera.

Secondly, I’ve adopted the ‘child-led approach’ to family photography. Instead of the overly-posed, ‘hey, everyone look over here and smile for the camera’ approach, I’m more like ‘let's follow your kiddo around, help them pick dandelions and blow them in the air together.’

The Child-led Approach at your session looks like:

  • letting your child’s natural actions be the highlight of your photos.

  • finding a great spot to turn them loose to explore the world around them... letting them crawl or run wild, following their impulses and curiosities that lead your family straight into fun photogenic moments.

  • following your kiddo’s body cues. No forced hugging, smiles, kisses or poses. They get to decide which actions to take, and putting them in control of their body helps them to feel comfortable and safe during the shoot.

  • letting them feel their emotions, tantrums included. We’ll work through it together!

  • taking breaks, if needed. I can use that time to focus on other family members or give you all a rest.


And hey, a little bribery with candy or a favorite toy works wonders, too. *wink, wink*

My approach to working with infants and toddlers is about getting cute photos of you blowing raspberries on their cheeks while they’re giggling. It’s capturing the sweet moments when you’re looking deeply into your little ones eyes, and your face is filled with pure joy just being together. It’s about noticing what they’re noticing, empowering your kiddos to simply be themselves and share in the fun of the moment.

That… THAT right there is what child-led is all about… being in the moment with your infant or toddler. Because if anyone is ever truly living IN THE MOMENT, it's our little ones.

This is my recipe for capturing those great candid photos that show off the best in your family even when your little one isn’t at their best. You’ll be joining the list of other moms I’ve worked with who get their galleries and say “OMG, I didn’t think we’d gotten any photos that turned out. These are amazing!”

Ok, so who’s ready to book their Family Session now?! See you soon!


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